1.  Voluntary Participation.   I, ________________________________[Name of Participant] acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in a visit to Terry's Tundra in Alaska.

2.  Assumption of Risk.  I realize that Terry Tuell, and Terry Tuell Concrete, Inc. are only trying to share with me the chance of a lifetime visit to the Alaskan bush.  I am aware that there are many possible dangers, hazards and risks ( collectively “risks”) involved in a visit to Terry’s Tundra.  These risks are inherent in wilderness and area activities, and include , but are not limited to, being attacked by wild animals, a dead stick landing, being hooked in the ear (or even worse), alcohol poisoning, West Nile Virus, SARS, Mad cow disease, sitting on a porcupine, being trampled by a moose or herd of caribou, eaten by a wolf, exposed to lead, asbestos, mold, radon, methane, Aids, weapons of mass destruction, Avian flue, legionnaires disease, rapture, Severe weather, transportation risks and the inability to obtain prompt medical treatment in the event of injury or illness.  I knowingly accept and assume these risks as the cost of having the chance of a lifetime to visit the Alaskan bush.  I am voluntarily participating in these activities with the knowledge of the dangers involved, hereby agree to accept any and all risks of injury or death, and verify this statement by placing my initials here:________.

3. Release.  As consideration for being permitted by Terry Tuell to participate in these activities and use related facilities, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives will not make a claim against, sue, or attach the property of Terry Tuell , Terry Tuell Concrete Inc., or their successors, agents, directors, officers, employees or shareholders (collectively
“Tuell”) on account of injury or damage resulting from the negligence or other acts, howsoever caused, by any employee, agent, or contractor of Tuell as a result of my visit to Terry’s Tundra.  To the maximum extent permitted by law, I hereby release Tuell from all actions, claims, or demands that I, my assignees, heirs, distributees, guardians, and legal representatives may hereafter have from injury or damage resulting from my visit to Terry’s Tundra. 

4.  Knowledge and Voluntary Execution.  I have carefully read this agreement, waiver and release and fully understand its contents.  I am aware that this is a release of liability and sign it of my own free will.

5.  Governing Law.  This agreement, waiver and release shall be governed by and construed under California law.

Executed___________________________[date] at___________________________(City), California

__________________________________[signature of participant, parent / guardian]

__________________________________[print name] 

In the event of an extreme emergency your family can contact you by leaving a message at:

Branch River Air, 907.246.3437 or in the office of Terry Tuell Concrete Inc. at 559.431.0812