-Recommended Food Items-

Remember, if you are floating or camping an occasional steak or
chicken taste good, but so does fresh salmon.
Think light, easy to prepare, and easy to clean up after.  The following are foods that have proved
to meet the above recommendations for the bush.

1. Mucho Large Flour Tortillas, Lunch Meat & Cheese, Italian Dressing, Krusteaz Pancake Mix, Jumbo Flake Biscuits, Head of Lettuce, Egg Beaters, Pre Cooked Bacon.

2.Veggies that travel well are Broccoli, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Onions, Garlic, Head of lettuce, Squash, Fruits or melons, Fuji Apples, Oranges.

4.  For a Cabin Visit, in addition to the above items, use your imagination; remembering that Terry likes Beef and Chicken, Pork, Fresh Vegetables and Fresh Fruit, Jumbo Flake Biscuits in the large tube, large flour tortillas, real Bacon and eggs, Italian dressing, wheat bread, white onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, head of lettuce, 8lb bag of self lighting charcoal, 20lbs of regular charcoal and lots of Beer!  

5.  Do not worry about such things as salt and pepper, mustard, ketchup, mayo, etc. we have all that already.  We also have plenty of rice, noodles and coffee.  Do not bring too much, we have plenty to supplement what you bring.