-Tips for Good Housekeeping-


1.                Although there is a flushing toilet in the captain’s quarters, unless you are a woman, child, or elderly, please use the outhouse behind the shed. I make great efforts to keep it daisy fresh.  The funnel is plumbed as a urinal.  The sink on the deck is for brushing teeth and washing your face and hands. 

2.                Quick showers are available on a limited bases but not during dish washing.

3.                Do not drink water from the faucet!  There is drinking water in the Igloo on the deck, or the blue rain collection barrel. 

4.                Please do not leave your personal items on the floor, and kitchen table. That makes it easier for me to clean the table and floors

5.                No muddy or wet waders past the front door please.

6.                Keep the lids down on all the toilets when not in use, including outhouse

7.                After eating meals on real plates and silver, please wipe the residue from them with napkins. It makes it easier to wash the dishes. (We call this the Alaskan douche.)

8.                When Nature calls, please do not urinate off of the deck, or within 20”of trails or cabin.  You have the rest of the wildlife refuge to use or the outhouse.  Same applies for brushing teeth, that is one of the uses for the deck sink.