-Tips for Entertainment and Meals-


1.                Brunch is usually served between 10:00am and 12:30pm

2.                Dinner is usually served between 8:00pm and 12:00 midnight.

3.                Snacks are whenever you want, whatever you want, wherever you want. Help yourself. Do Not Be Bashful!

4.                If you get up before 9:30 am, there is usually hot coffee in the thermos.  We also have hot chocolate mix and tea bags for your convenience.

5.                Beer anytime day or night.

6.                Fishing, boating, and hiking from 4:00 am to 12:00 midnight.

7.                Lots of reading material on book shelves re. Local Eskimos, bears, and local nature & natives.  Feel free to browse.

8.                Mighty parties and sequence highly recommended.

9.                Feel free to look anywhere, ask anything, and by all means, make yourselves at home!